
A basic tool for testing your serial port connection on your Mac isCoolTerm by Roger Meier:

CoolTherm is the latest advancement in thermal management and infuses high-performance thermal interface materials with world-class service and support. Our team is highly responsive and specialized in custom formulations in the multiple chemistries to meet your performance, cost and schedule targets. CoolTerm arduino: Exchange text and other data between connected serial ports. Free download provided for 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows.

CoolTerm is a simple serial port terminal application (no terminalemulation) that is geared towards hobbyists and professionals with aneed to exchange data with hardware connected to serial ports suchas servo controllers, robotic kits, GPS receivers, microcontrollers,etc.

You can download CoolTerm here (mirror).

Coolterm 32

Step 1 - Start CoolTerm¶

CoolTerm is idle state when you open it. First you need to select andconfigure the serial port by pressing the options button.

Coolterm App


Step 2 - Configure and select the Serial Port¶

Configure the serial port and select the serial port. If CoolTermdoesn’t show your serial port, you need to press the Re-Scan SerialPorts button. The serial port should show up in the selection list, ifit doesn’t show, please check if the driver has been installed correctly (see support).


Press the ok button when you’re finished.

Coolterm Serial Monitor

Step 3 - Use the Serial Port¶

Coolterm Mac

CoolTerm is still Idle, press the Connect button to open the serialport. After pressing this button the character your type are send to theouter-space via the serial port, and characters it receives aredisplayed in the window. You can also monitor the handshake signals viathe signal LEDS in the right corner, and you can control the RTS and DTRsignal by pressing the signal LEDS